At Johnson Groninger PLLC, we have a record of success in helping workers from all over North Carolina who have been mistreated on the job. Managers, too, often need help after becoming victims of unlawful employment practices. We are committed to protecting the rights of people in the workplace. Sometimes that is through tough negotiation, sometimes it means a lawsuit.
If you need to talk to a lawyer about the following kinds of cases, call us for an appointment. We can help you understand your legal rights in the workplace and help you decide what next step is best for you.
Consultations in employment cases usually involve a fee. Contact us for more details

Attorney Valerie Johnson (aka the “Law Sisters”) even has a podcast about Sexual Harassment in the workplace. Learn ways you can protect yourself from Sexual Harassment by listening to their podcast series, Sex at Work, available on the Law Sisters website, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, TuneIn, and Stitcher.