The New York Times has a series of interesting articles on how California’s workers’ compensation system handles the cases of former NFL players. Check it out here, here, here, and here.
Law Blog
Fourth Circuit rules for plaintiff in sexual harassment case
In Whitten v. Fred’s, Inc., the Fourth Circuit issued an important ruling in a sexual harassment case. The Court concluded that the company-defendant could held liable for sexual harassment by its manager, even if the manager did not have the authority to fire the harassed worker. Although the Court was addressing state law claims, South Carolina anti-discrimination […]
DOL concerned about unpaid internships, and new protection for nursing mothers
The federal Department of Labor is stepping up enforcement of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) with regard to unpaid internships because such arrangements very well could be violating the FLSA’s minimum wage requirements. In other FLSA news, the Health Care Reform legislation (technically the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) contained a little-noticed provision […]
Helpful information on COBRA and health care reform
The New York Times has a very useful article on COBRA and how it is affected by the recently-enacted health care reform act. It starts: “If you’ve recently joined the ranks of the unemployed or are worried that you soon will, you may be wondering if the sweeping new health law will help you. Will you, […]
NC Court of Appeals supports wrongful discharge claim
In Combs v. City Electric Supply Company, the Court of Appeals reversed the trial court in large part, concluding that the plaintiff had presented sufficient evidence to support a claim of wrongful discharge in violation of public policy and tortious interference with contract. The Court, however, upheld the dismissal of the plaintiff’s Unfair and Deceptive […]
Republicans block unemployment benefits again
Senate Republicans have once again blocked a much-needed extension of unemployment benefits, ignoring the needs of millions of workers that rely on those benefits. This time, it is Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn who has single-handedly denied workers benefits. From the New York Times: “As a result, some people who have been out of work for more […]
President appoints two new members to NLRB
Yesterday, President Obama announced that he was bypassing the Senate and installing 15 appointees, including Craig Becker and Mark Pearce to the National Labor Relations Board. As the NLRB has been working with only two of its five members, the installation of Becker and Pearce is certainly welcome news. President Obama had nominated these highly qualified and […]
President signs landmark health care reform
On March 23, after the House and the Senate were finally able to resolve their differences, President Obama signed into law the landmark health care bill that promises to mark affordable health care a reality for all Americans. Extensive coverage of the act can be found elsewhere, but this is a good summary of how […]
Obama signs HIRE Act to spur jobs
On March 18, President Obama signed the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act (H.R. 2847, summary here), a $38 billion jobs bill comprised of several tax breaks and spending provisions to encourage employers to start hiring again. The bill includes a one-year extension of the federal highway program, an extension of the Build America […]
NC Supreme Court approves Industrial Commission’s transition process
On Friday, in Baxter v. Danny Nicholson, Inc., the North Carolina Supreme Court upheld an Industrial Commission decision that defendants had attacked on the grounds that one of the Commissioners was not authorized to exercise his powers on the day of the decision. The case arose out of the transition when one of the Commissioners was […]