If you have ever served on a North Carolina jury in a car wreck case, you almost certainly sat through the entire trial never knowing if the defendant had any insurance to pay the verdict. Surely no one in the courtroom – not the lawyers, the witnesses or the judge, ever mentioned it. Maybe someone mentioned […]
Law Blog
Stop the Court Packing Plan!
The Governor and the NC Legislature want to add two new NC Supreme Court seats in a last-minute legislative session! The session is supposed to be about Hurricane Matthew relief, but could also add new Justices to be appointed by Gov. McCrory in his last days in office. In November, Judge Michael Morgan won his […]
Your Vote Counts!
It is essential that we have North Carolina Court of Appeals and Supreme Court judges who are fair to all sides in interpreting our laws, including our employment, workers’ compensation, and negligence laws. There are several fine individuals running for judge in the November 8, 2016 general election. The following candidates are very qualified and […]
Staying Covered During the Storm: 5 Things to Know about Insurance and Natural Disaster
It has been nearly a month since Hurricane Matthew hit North Carolina’s coast. Our thoughts go out to the thousands who are still recovering from extensive damage and, in particular, flooding from the storm. In addition to the emotional loss of those who were injured or lost their lives during the storm, it is estimated that […]
Judicial Elections Start Today and They are Very Important.
It is essential that we have North Carolina Court of Appeals and Supreme Court judges who are fair to all sides in interpreting our laws, including our employment, workers’ compensation, and negligence laws. There are several fine individuals running for judge in the November 8, 2016 general election. The following candidates are very qualified and […]
Local Railroad Company to Pay for Disability Discrimination
Attorney Meghan Deutsch-Blanco reached a settlement on behalf of a wrongfully terminated North Carolina railroad worker this month. The railroad agreed to pay for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act or “ADA.” The ADA is the law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in many areas of public life. In the workplace, the ADA requires […]
Four Reasons Why You Could Lose Your Workers’ Compensation Case From a North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorney
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT MAKES A CASE INTO A LOSER, ask a NC workers’ compensation lawyer who is certified as a specialist. You might hear about a case like Katie’s. Katie worked as a certified nurse assistant in a nursing home. She liked her job but she didn’t like her supervisor, Janet. Katie […]
We Will Never Forget
Six essential questions to ask before you hire a cleaning company
Congratulations! You have finally arrived at the point in life where you are ready to hire someone to clean your house. You have worked long and hard to get here. Just as you have taken yourself seriously to earn the money to hire someone, you should take your search for a housekeeper seriously as well. […]
Valerie Johnson Reports Win in North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Case, Lockhart v. Ready Trucking, against an Uninsured Trucking Company
Willard Lockhart, a Charlotte North Carolina truck driver, was hired by Ready Trucking to drive an eighteen-wheeler truck on routes all over the eastern United States. When the transfer truck was blown off of a North Carolina highway, his employer denied that his injuries were their responsibility. Mr. Lockhart was told that he was an […]